Use this template to figure out what you like, dislike, what makes you tick, what your strengths and weaknesses are.
By writing it down, you make it more concrete and build self-awareness. Through self-awareness you can take action. Through action, you can attain alignment and clarity.
Through alignment and clarity, you can enjoy your work and life more. Stress less and feel more focused.
Self-discovery is the act of getting to know yourself, attainable (among other ways) through simple self-reflection. If you need to do more work on yourself, check out Simple Journal
You can still use this template. After you answer, think how you could make the things you dislike more likable, how you could do more of what you like & feel excited about, and less what you dislike. There's almost always a way.
Note that this site is a prototype. Your answers are not saved, persisted, or sent anywhere. Take a screenshot to keep your answers :)
What have I liked or enjoyed in the past?
What have I disliked in the past?
What has made me excited lately?
What am I capable at?
What am I not the best at?